Today in Decatur, TX. Most of the time you see these clouds on the back side of a storm as the storm is moving away. I love them late in the day when there is dramatic contrast like this. Just beautiful!
#mammatusclouds  #clouds365  #stormchasing Â
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Another cracker +Kelly DeLay 🙂 and one more for my mate +Ellie Kennard 🙂
I saw some like these on my way home from work today and couldn't take my eyes off of them. Very mesmerizing.
I saw some like these on my way home from work today and couldn't take my eyes off of them. Very mesmerizing.
This is a wonderful catch of this great sky and clouds +Kelly DeLay – thanks for the mention Andy. +Andrew Westbury
No probs Ellie :))
Wow! Gorgeous! I've never seen this before! Maybe not in the tropics.