First storm chase of the Spring today! Even after all of the miles driven this week it seemed ok to drive 400 miles round trip to get this supercell. I could not wait to get out there. Intercepted outside of Lake Brownwood, Texas. Beautiful plates, rotation and contrast as the storm was dying down. Thanks to Austin King for taking the lead, was nice to catch up with you! #clouds365  #stormchasing  #supercell  #severeweather  
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Very cool,Kelly..What a rush that must be??
Very cool,Kelly..What a rush that must be??
I luv this kinda stuff. Going to make it my dream to be a storm chaser
I luv this kinda stuff. Going to make it my dream to be a storm chaser
It's cool I like this. The first storm and rain, may be?
It's cool I like this. The first storm and rain, may be?
Wow how powerful !! Please b safe !! Beautiful !! Thanks for sharing !!
Wow how powerful !! Please b safe !! Beautiful !! Thanks for sharing !!
Good one +Kelly DeLayÂ
Good one +Kelly DeLayÂ
Hey Cuz, nice, home, safe, love the time we had together. My love to the family. Fay
Hey Cuz, nice, home, safe, love the time we had together. My love to the family. Fay
Fantastic shot, very nice!
Fantastic shot, very nice!
Can't believe you were able to get that much structure. So awesome!
Can't believe you were able to get that much structure. So awesome!
beautiful shoot dear
beautiful shoot dear
Nice mesocyclone
Nice mesocyclone
Nice shot! Both ugly and beautiful in the same breath!
Nice shot! Both ugly and beautiful in the same breath!
Nice photo
Nice photo
I see the Starship!
I see the Starship!
omg i that the storm that can to new zealand???
omg i that the storm that can to new zealand???
love it too
love it too
So nice &very beautiful
So nice &very beautiful
Cant wait till the april air of TORNADOES
Who is with me
Cant wait till the april air of TORNADOES
Who is with me