Captured this LP Supercell outside of Alvord, TX earlier this year with my friend +Mike Mezeul. The structure on this storm was very nice. It was producing large hail not long after this was taken. #clouds365  #stormchasing  #texas  #supercell  
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Wow – this is impressive !
Wow – this is impressive !
Helo mi name is Petr Strouhal from Prag Czech . I not speak inglish i sorry
Helo mi name is Petr Strouhal from Prag Czech . I not speak inglish i sorry
Fabulous !
Fabulous !
nice catch..
nice catch..
I want to go take these kind of pictures with you some day!!!
I want to go take these kind of pictures with you some day!!!
Great shot
Great shot
You guys really put youself's in harm's way just to gather more and more information to try and keep others safe.
You guys really put youself's in harm's way just to gather more and more information to try and keep others safe.
Fantastyczne ujęcie,gratuluję .
Fantastyczne ujęcie,gratuluję .
Beautiful image.
Beautiful image.