Captured lightning striking tower multiple times last month in Fredericksburg, Texas. Looks like the lightning is blossoming! #lightning #clouds365
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This post has been reshared 31 times on Google+
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i would die for a shot like this!! really superb! which camera did you use?
Awesome (glad I'm not the only one obsessed with lightning) +Kelly DeLay
grt shot
wooowww lovely photo………….
Incredible! shot
Amzing Timing of photographers
wooaaaaa whats that  😉 😀 XD 😛 🙂 ^_^
Wonderful iloveit
Oh oh be careful can kill people that kind of light….
that light is came from god, he wants to picture a poeple who have sins,
Yes then want to shot up ryt
Natures Fury On Steroids! Gr8 Shot!
Perfect shot..,hats off ..!!!
Ezt jól elkaptad!
Is this the real natural photo? Unbelievable.
lokks like..!!
+Pimpha Rungnobhakhun, yes this lightning strike  was very real! 🙂
Wonderful it's look nice
wow… ! ^_^
i afraided
magnificent… love it… thank u for sharing
Vary nice pic can frienf ship with me
It is true ive seen such site i ve exsplaind it as lightening striking sideways to my ppl. And they didnt believeme.but there it is .thank you forr that post .